Woman jogging up stepsTo kick off the New Year, we want to give you our top detoxing tips to help your body feel its best! We’re all guilty of over indulging throughout the Christmas period, which unfortunately for many of us means that we enter the New Year feeling bloated and sluggish. Not this year though, we’ve got some great products, treatments and tips that’ll help you feel your best throughout January so that you can start 2017 as you mean to go on!

Colonic Hydrotherapy

All the eating and drinking over Christmas not only causes us to feel bloated, but can also leave us feeling fatigued and skin looking dull. As a result of this, most of us will try and cut down on our unhealthy food and alcohol consumption after Christmas. However, before we start our clean eating, it’s great to remove all the unwanted waste and harmful toxins. One of the best ways to cleanse our body is Colonic Hydrotherapy, this naturopathic treatment is designed to remove all the unnecessary waste that builds up inside of us and leave us feeling healthier and lighter.

IV Vitamin InfusionsMan receiving IV Vitamin Infusions

January is generally the month of being sensible, and restocking our bodies with all the goodness it needs. Our IV Vitamin Drips are a great way to get a high dose of vitamins and minerals straight into your blood stream. Better yet, we have a menu of different drips each tailored to your needs; one of our most popular drips this time of year is our Immune Boosting IV Vitamin Infusion. Packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin B and Zinc, this will get you feeling full of energy and better in no time.

Chris James 3R Cleanse

If you’re looking for a quick cleanse to kick-start your healthy eating for the year than we recommend trying Chris James 3R Cleanse. This 3 day cleanse contains sachets of goodness which you add to juices and smoothies 3 times a day to detox your body. The 3R Cleanse will leave you feeling less bloated, your skin brighter and clearer and your energy levels boosted! It’s the perfect cleanse for any one pushed for time as it can easily be fitted around your lifestyle.

Diet & Nutrition Healthy food

According to statistics* the highest ranking New Year’s resolution for 2017 is to lose weight/ eat more healthily. It’s easy to say, but for many of us actually knowing what foods and the quantities we should be eating can be difficult. If this sounds like you, then why not come and visit our in-house nutritionist, whether your end goal is to lose a certain amount of weight or if you just want to feel healthier, they will help you achieve that goal. Each diet and plan is tailored completely to the client, to help you achieve the best possible results. If you would like to find out more about our different health and well-being treatments then call us today on 020 3135 0246 or book a complimentary consultation with one of our expert Treatment Coordinators.

17 years of experience, over 250,000 treatments performed