Happy womenWith International Women’s Day on March 8th, we thought what better time to talk about women’s health, and some of the best treatments we have that can help to provide optimum health and well-being for women of all ages.

Colonic Hydrotherapy

Ensuring you have a healthy gut can help to eliminate a multitude of different ailments, from skin complaints to headaches and fatigue. Colonic hydrotherapy works to flush out the harmful toxins in your colon, removing any trapped waste and leaving you feeling happier and healthier. At EF MEDISPA we have different colonic options available to suit a range of different needs, from our Pressure Point colonic which uses reflexology to help combat stress and anxiety, to the Californian, which uses wheatgrass to enhance the effects of a regular colonic.


Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a common condition that many women suffer with in silence, feeling that the subject is a taboo and one they cannot openly discuss. However, we want to remove the stigma around this subject and introduce you to our new non-surgical vaginal tightening laser treatment, FemiLift. FemiLift is a minimally invasive, FDA approved treatment that can tend to a range of feminine issues, from vaginal laxity, to stress urinary incontinence and dryness due to menopause. The treatment is quick, taking between approximately 15 – 30 minutes and performed by our in-house female Gynaecologist.

Stem-cell free therapyStem-cell free therapy

A unique approach to anti-ageing, our Stem-Cell Free Therapy works to help aid the repair of damaged tissue and stimulate regeneration. It can be used for skin rejuvenation as it has impressive, visible anti-ageing results. The procedure involves using Vaser Liposuction to remove a small amount of fat from your body. From this, ‘microvesicles’ are taken from your own stem cells and intravenously put back into your body to stimulate tissue regeneration.

IM shots

At EF MEDISPA we offer two different intramuscular shots, the ideal health treatment for those pushed for time, taking only minutes to administer. Our most popular IM shot is B12; Vitamin B12 helps to boost energy whilst also maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. Our other IM shot is Glutathione; Glutathione is an antioxidant which helps to enhance muscle recovery whilst also having significant anti-ageing benefits. For a real boost of energy, we recommend having regular IM shots alongside our IV vitamin drips in our Drip & Chill lounge. To find out more about the different health and wellbeing treatments we offer, please talk to us today by calling 020 7811 2727. Or if you would like to book a complimentary consultation with one of our expert Treatment Coordinators to talk through your concerns, click here.

17 years of experience, over 250,000 treatments performed